Getting by

Stall rest for Derby continues, but so far he’s handling it well.  Christy tells me that he’s quiet during the day, and though he’s a bit grumpy now and then, for the most part, he’s pretty laid back.  We’ve started doing some hand walking, so I’m able to get him out of his stall for a few minutes at least.  I’m also doing as much as I can to provide him with entertainment and distraction in his stall, including using small-hole haynets to make his hay last a bit longer and equipping him with a couple different LikkIts.

Solitary confinement.

In the meantime, Ive been riding Tucker, who’s made a few appearances on this blog previously.  He’s a fancy little Quarter Horse with a lot of training.  I’m still feeling a bit out of whack on him still – he has an entirely different build and way of going than Derby.  We’re getting more into synch, and Christy tells me we look okay, even if I still feel out of balance and ineffective.    I’m trying to ride a few different horses while Derby is laid up, and get the most out of this time as I can.



About Sarah Skerik
Sarah Skerik is an experienced digital business executive and strategist with a long track record of success in team leadership, employee development, marketing and business development.

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